Dean Moorcroft

Despite my deceptively boyish good looks, I has been a computing professional for many years, amassing a wealth of experience in a large number of programming languages on a considerable number of operating systems.

Trained originally as a BAL [Basic Assembler Language] systems programmer on IBM mainframes, I discovered UNIX and C in 1980 (installing 6 of the first 8 commercial UNIX machines in the UK), before, ever an early adopter, progressing to Linux systems in 1993.

In addition to C and BAL I also have extensive experience in many other programming languages and development tools, as well as in project management and company management. I have brought these diverse skills to bear on many interesting and unusual projects (not to mention more accounting system variants than I care to count).

With clients scattered around the globe, and mostly working remotely, my primary interest is developing both systems software and applications programs in C. Since 1980 I have written over 600,000 lines of (thoroughly documented and painstakingly debugged) C code, with two mature products over 35 years old.

I continue to apply the fundamental elements instilled by my IBM training in terms of program clarity, extensive documentation, change management and maintainability to all programming tasks.

Other men are specialists. His speciality is omniscience.
[Originally, Sherlock Holmes of his brother Mycroft, but if the cap fits ...]

Our founder, Dean Moorcroft